Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Is your fibromyalgia becoming more unmanageable? Then it's likely that you're looking for the ideal solutions to your condition. Here are some of the common supplements promoted for fibromyalgia. Don't forget to consult a qualified medical professional for specific recommendations and dosages.


The body needs magnesium to perform over 300 biochemical reactions. Magnesium is often recommended for people with fibromyalgia because it is necessary for the generation of energy in cells. However, magnesium in high doses may cause nausea, diarrhea, muscle weakness, and loss of appetite, among other things.

Vitamin D

Some researchers have attributed fibromyalgia to vitamin D deficiency. One particular research involving 994 patients found a strong correlation between decreased vitamin D levels and higher levels of generalized bone and/or muscle pains.

S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)

A couple of preliminary studies showed promise that SAMe can help with fibromyalgia. One of these studies evaluated the effect of SAMe or placebo in 17 fibromyalgia patients. Improvements were observed in the patients who took SAMe, but not in the ones who took the placebo.

5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

There is preliminary evidence that 5-HTP may reduce the number of tender points (specific areas in the body that are painful when pressure is applied) in people with fybromialgia. Researchers believe that this is because of the supplement's ability to effect pain-modulating systems in the brainstem. Such supplements are often offered by private label manufacturers.



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