Wednesday, 21 August 2013

It's the immune system's job to stop viruses, bacteria, and parasites from damaging the various parts of the human body. Once body parts start functioning improperly, the chances that a person will succumb to diseases rises significantly. To prevent this from happening, people need to consume organic compounds rich in ascorbate—otherwise known as Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is just one of the many nutrients that are classified as water-soluble vitamins. Aside from protecting cells and boosting the performance of the immune system, water-soluble vitamins—particularly B vitamins—all contribute to the act of metabolizing digested food. These vitamins do not linger in the body for long; it caters to the short-term needs of various systems before being excreted via urination. The absence of a storage place for water-soluble vitamins requires individuals to source them from their daily diet.

If you think your immune system has been weakened, and you've been sick a lot or feel exhausted most of the time, then you should diligently consume vitamin C to improve your condition. Aside from eating fresh fruits and vegetables rich in the said nutrient (like broccoli, oranges, strawberries, and spinach), you can also take vitamin C supplements. Seek the advice of a doctor to determine the amount of vitamins you'll need to be in top shape again.


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