Sunday, 25 August 2013

Many vitamin manufacturers claim to manufacture the best vitamins. However, it's not possible for every competitor to be on top at the same time. There are good vitamins, not so good ones, and ones that do more harm than good. Reputable vitamin manufacturers ensure that their supplements are absorbable. If these supplements do not get dissolved in the digestive system easily, then they will not get into the bloodstream to nourish cells.
Good vitamins should also be potent enough to have an effect on the body. Naturally-occurring vitamins will always be more complex than simplified and formulated supplements. Because of this, it is necessary for people who wish to improve their health to take higher amounts of these vitamins, as prescribed by their physicians and other health care specialists.
High quality vitamins are manufactured in such a way that each intake is able to deliver the same positive impact on the human body. These supplements should be devoid of unnecessary fillers, and should come from quality sources. Ingredients necessary for making vitamins are extracted from raw materials. Different vitamin manufacturers have different sources. A reputable vitamin manufacturer does not compromise the quality of the raw materials used because it would, in turn, affect the quality of their products.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

It's the immune system's job to stop viruses, bacteria, and parasites from damaging the various parts of the human body. Once body parts start functioning improperly, the chances that a person will succumb to diseases rises significantly. To prevent this from happening, people need to consume organic compounds rich in ascorbate—otherwise known as Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is just one of the many nutrients that are classified as water-soluble vitamins. Aside from protecting cells and boosting the performance of the immune system, water-soluble vitamins—particularly B vitamins—all contribute to the act of metabolizing digested food. These vitamins do not linger in the body for long; it caters to the short-term needs of various systems before being excreted via urination. The absence of a storage place for water-soluble vitamins requires individuals to source them from their daily diet.

If you think your immune system has been weakened, and you've been sick a lot or feel exhausted most of the time, then you should diligently consume vitamin C to improve your condition. Aside from eating fresh fruits and vegetables rich in the said nutrient (like broccoli, oranges, strawberries, and spinach), you can also take vitamin C supplements. Seek the advice of a doctor to determine the amount of vitamins you'll need to be in top shape again.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

A product will be able to sell well if the packaging is striking enough to attract the customer's attention. Market trends state that like advertising in any form, it takes a maximum of 15 seconds for the customer to decide whether to buy a product or not; any longer and they'll move on. In light of this, how do you grab the attention of customers in such a short span of time, especially in the case of medication that has already been FDA-approval? There are ways to go about this.

First, conduct extensive market research and surveys to determine the product's target demographic group. Prior to performing market research, you will have to establish certain preliminaries—for example, market research and surveys should note if the product is unisex or aimed at a certain gender. Analyses of similar products from the competition should be factored in as well. The resulting data will help the marketing and design teams fashion the products to target the preferences of these demographic groups.

The product's main features should be highlighted in the design, and slogans should be employed when necessary. The company's design and marketing divisions will also need to coordinate their work to ensure that the product's final design synchs with the proposed campaign. The new product has the potential to sell well if the company's design and marketing people do their homework. Post-release consumer research can also improve sales.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The key for medicine to work is absorption; if it doesn't get absorbed by the body, no effect can take place. At first, medicine came in the form of ground matter, which was made into teas and ointments, or even eaten raw. Then came the pills, which surprisingly aren't a modern invention; they've existed as early as 1500 B.C. Today, medicine comes in other forms, such as lozenges, liqui-gels, and caplets (which are a hybrid of capsule and tablet).

Pills need to break down as fast as possible before they pass through the digestive system, or so it seems. Liquid medicine, according to experts, gets absorbed by the body the fastest due to its fluid nature. So why the need for pills? That's where the myth of “faster is better” is debunked; fast doesn't necessarily mean an immediate effect. In some cases, slow absorption is better, namely for essential nutrients. Liquid medicine suffers from the disadvantage of an uneven distribution of ingredients.

Tablets and capsules wrap the essentials in one neat package, helping people get more out of their meds. Tablets, in fact, are relatively easy and affordable to produce compared with other forms of medicine in the market. Capsules, on the other hand, are suitable for digestive tracts that have a hard time breaking down tablets due to their gelatin encapsulation. In the end, no form of medicine enjoys superiority; it depends on the stuff that's inside.

Friday, 9 August 2013

When the body is under attack—be it a simple cut or disease—it musters every available nutrient to fend off the invasion. In the process, the body may run out of vital nutrients, which is why recovery from most serious diseases involves medicine. However, doctors believe that too much of a vitamin can be as dangerous as too little. Then again, fighting diseases with the right nutritional arsenal can help score a crushing victory, right?

In medicine, taking more than what is required is called megadosing. It's a practice shunned by most physicians due to the serious implications of taking too much of one vitamin, especially the fat-soluble ones (A, D, E, and K). Vitamin C, on the other hand, doesn't pose as much of a risk as the others due to its water solubility. This simply means that any excess Vitamin C in the system can be expelled with ease via the excretory system.

Pharmaceutical companies formulate their vitamins based on proven research. A megadose of vitamin C hasn't entirely proven itself to be an effective healer. Multivitamins have to stick to the prescribed dosage for each vitamin or mineral to prevent increased toxicity in the human body. The human body will call on a specific vitamin when the need comes. However, it can only keep so much in reserve. 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

All this talk about diets, junk foods, and vitamin supplements makes you wonder just how healthy are the foods that you eat these days. Generally speaking, anything edible that your stomach digests contains varying levels of vitamins and minerals to meet your bodily requirements. Therefore, it's not about if you can get these nutrients into your body, but rather how much of them do you consume regularly. This is where vitamin supplements come in handy.

Take note that they are called supplements for a reason; you are not expected to solely rely on them to receive your daily doses of nutrients. To help you gauge just how much of these supplements you need, the Institute of Medicine established certain guidelines like the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) and the Adequate Intake (AI) indexes. It is very important that you strictly follow these guidelines so that you won't experience any nutritional deficiencies.

Be warned, though, that you also don't go beyond the RDA or AI because too much of these vitamin supplements can actually harm you. For instance, taking too much vitamin B6 can cause neuropathic problems, like sensory deficiencies and muscle weakness. However, certain people (e.g. senior citizens with osteoporosis) may need to go beyond the RDA to remain healthy. When in doubt, consult with medical professionals before you pop that vitamin bottle.

Monday, 5 August 2013

It's no big secret that the human body needs food for sustenance or it will wither and perish. However, the human body does not need just any kind of food but those that provide essential nutrients like vitamins. These vitamins are organic compounds that can be found in various food, which the body requires in small doses to sustain itself.

However, a lot of people nowadays eat just to satisfy a craving or fill their hunger, hence, the popularity of fast food chains in many parts of the globe. People just gobble up food with nary a thought of what nutrients they lack or contain. This careless eating can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle and result to a lot of illnesses.

Since most people don't usually eat the healthy kind of food, their bodies also don't get to receive the right amount of vitamins needed. This lack of vitamins could translate to poor health and weak body systems. Luckily, there are vitamin supplements at the ready make up for this lack. What vitamins you can't get from the food you eat, you can take in another form, such as capsules, powders, tablets, gels, or liquids that can be consumed safely and more conveniently. However, one should not rely solely on these supplements; the best way to go about caring for your body is still by eating and living healthy.

Friday, 2 August 2013

According to the 2011 Harris Poll, more US adults now possess a high level of health consciousness compared to the previous years. The survey also found that 42 percent of the respondents prefer organic products, while 71 percent said they prefer locally-sourced produce. As more Americans are now determined to sustain their wellness with healthy products, there is also an increasing demand for nutraceuticals like vitamin and food supplements.

Retailers like pharmacies and grocery stores often only offer branded nutraceuticals. Unfortunately, these brand names are expensive, leaving retailers little room to gain profit when they sell the products. The good news is they can turn to white label companies for help.

White label firms have actually been around for several decades, but they were largely known to serve clothing stores and the like. Now, there are white label companies that manufacture nutraceuticals and then sell them to retailers, who then have the right to repackage and rename the items as their own. Some of these private label firms even offer full services including formula development, packaging, label design, and shipping. This way, retailers are able to turn a considerable amount of profit, while offering low-cost alternatives to more expensive brands.